Greenville SC MLS Market Statistics  (03/01/2011 - 04/25/2011) 

Current Active Listings: 7,137

 Average List Price: $247,814 Average Days on Market (DOM): 168 
 New Listings for Period:  # Sold in Period: 866  Average List Price Sold: $168,561
     Average Sale Price Sold: $159,555
 Sale Price/List Price Ratio: 94.66%  Average DOM Sold: 124  Average List Price Unsold: $203,070

Narrative of Greenville SC Market Statistics

There are currently 7,137 active single-family residence listings in the Greenville SC MLS for the period listed above.  The average list price for active listings is: $247,814.  Up from an average list price of $236,067 in the previous month.  The average days on market for all actives is 168 days; holding steady…

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The short answer is YES!  A Pre-listing (seller) home inspection can separate your home from others in a highly-competitive buyer's market and get your home sold quicker (and for a higher price) than a comparable home that has not had a pre-listing inspection.  This is especially the case in today's market.  Buyers are very picky.  They are looking for move-in ready homes where they can grab their toothbrush and underwear and move!  Most Realtors will tell you even cosmetic items like paint or dated fixtures are causing buyers to walk away without even making an offer.

If you are selling a home, you'll get the highest price in the shortest time, if your home is in top condition. And you want to find out about any hidden problems before your house goes on…

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